■Today's phrase
Our target is the rising number of international tourists, and I believe that this is a ripe and expanding business opportunity. The Tokyo Olympics are in sight, so let's work together to be champions.
これは所信表明のスピーチです。まず " our target is ... とスパッと目標を定め、今後の展望を " think " ではなく " believe " を使い力強く述べ、さらに力を合わせようとリーダーシップを発揮する、これくらいできれば上出来です。
■Bussiness Point
a ripe 熟した
in sight 近い
■Today's phrase
Our target is the rising number of international tourists, and I believe that this is a ripe and expanding business opportunity. The Tokyo Olympics are in sight, so let's work together to be champions.
これは所信表明のスピーチです。まず " our target is ... とスパッと目標を定め、今後の展望を " think " ではなく " believe " を使い力強く述べ、さらに力を合わせようとリーダーシップを発揮する、これくらいできれば上出来です。
■Bussiness Point
a ripe 熟した
in sight 近い